Want to know how you can improve your diet and exercise more efficiently?
My Nutrition Deep Dive will tell you those answers! This exclusive service includes a complete download of your current eating habits, the things that are going well, and the areas that could be improved upon.
You'll get 30+ minutes of 1:1 time with me to get all of your nutrition questions answered. I will give you direction during our call and through a follow up email with actionable steps on how to make changes that best suit your lifestyle and goals.
I don't believe in restrictive diets, cutting out whole food groups or things you enjoy. I meet you half way and together we discuss ways you can optimize your nutrition to boost your metabolism even more!
Nutrition Deep Dive $99In a Nutrition Deep Dive we'll be covering,
- Your current eating habits through an in depth evaluation of your My Fitness Pal food diary.
- A questionnaire so I can obtain more information about your current diet and lifestyle
- A 30 minute phone call to discuss step-by-step what to eat to improve your diet and get better results.
- A follow up email with suggestions and recommendations with how to speed up metabolism
- Inside scoop on the exact formula I use for my 1:1 clients in order to help you star applying new nutrition strategies to your current diet and lifestyle.
- The exact blueprint I use for my personal training clients to help you build muscle and burn more fat