6 weeks to Learning, Tracking + Losing Fat for Good with Macro Counting, Working Directly with Giselle


FREE 40 page meal planning guide to help busy women create simple, healthy AND tasty macro-friendly meals the whole family will love! 

Grab this FREE download that includes 20+ simple meal ideas, easy, tasty recipes, suggested grocery lists for popular stores like Costco and Target, plus tangible teaching tools to help you plan delicious meals your whole family will love!



If you're like most my clients, when it comes to meal planning you might feel that ...

  • Planning healthy meals for my family is time consuming and overwhelming    

  • Buying healthy food is expensive

  • Cooking healthy meals takes too much time 

  • My family is picky and won't like the healthy recipes I make

  • Finding healthy recipes my family will enjoy requires too much time 

  • Healthy grocery shopping takes too much time and is stressful


The solution - meal planning!


Planning your meals ahead of time can help you feel less stressed about what’s for dinner, or running out the door with no time for breakfast in the morning. Between work, life, family, school, social activities, and obligations, figuring out what to eat can fall to the bottom of the list.  When this happens, your physique goals and overall health can suffer. Not to mention your bank account.  Ideally, mealtime should be a relaxing, enjoyable experience.  Meal planning can help make it possible to have healthy balanced and relaxing meal times!

This 40 page downloadable guide will teach you the exact steps to simplifying meal planning so you can remove the stress around meals and start getting real, long-lasting results!


You’ll learn… 

  1. What meal planning is and how to stop avoiding it by making it SIMPLE!

  2. How to make it affective by planning around you!

  3. How to choose recipes that your whole daily will love while also helping you to reach your specific goals (includes over 20 meal ideas!)

  4. How to navigate the grocery store and see past confusing food labels so you can save time and money grocery shopping

What's included?

  • Grocery lists for stores like Target, Costco, Sprouts, and Whole Foods.

  • Simplifying meal ideas for when you don't want to cook.

  • Basic Protein, Fat, Carb meal ideas to help you build macro based meals.

  • Healthy dining out options for when you can't cook.

  • Simplifying food labels to reduce stress around buying healthy foods.

  • Meal planning and grocery shopping list template.

  • Healthy pantry, fridge and freezer staples printable.

  • AND Over 20 healthy, macro based meal ideas.  

All for FREEE!!




Hi there! I’m Giselle, mom to two crazy busy boys and owner of Giselle Schroer Health and Wellness.  I’ve helped hundreds of women through my signature coaching program, The Macro Way, and 1:1 coaching learn to eat without restriction in order to get sustainable results. I don’t believe in restriction, cutting out whole food groups, drastically slashing calories or spending hours doing cardio. I believe in a balanced approach to nutrition and exercise that allows flexibility, enjoyment and freedom while still reaching goals.  Meal planning is a common theme in my group coaching programs and with my 1:1 clients.  Not to mention outside of coaching, I’m often asked about how to lose weight and keep it off.  Meal planning is one of my TOP strategies for myself and my clients.

Besides running my own business as a certified personal trainer, certified nutrition coach and certified macronutrients coach, I’m a mom to two busy little boys Ayden and Jax.  I understand just how hard it is to plan healthy balanced meals the whole family will enjoy. This is why I’ve created this FREE workshop. Over the past decade I have worked with women who like me are busy shuffling kids around, working, and trying to figure out how to prioritize health.  

So I created this workshop to help as many people as possible to remove the dress and overwhelm from planning healthy, balanced meals.   Each day I’ll be sharing tried and true strategies, mind-blowing knowledge, and ways to help you TRANSFORM your health by making meal planning a part of your weekly routine.  I'm not sure I'll ever be running this for free again, so be sure not to miss your chance to grab these super simple meal prep planning tools and strategies!


"I believe living healthy shouldn't be restricted but should be a balance of good food that fits your lifestyle."

- Giselle Schroer