What are Non-Scale Victories?
Sep 12, 2018
Do you celebrate non-scale victories? You should! In fact, everyone should focus on non-scale victories over stepping on the scale and focusing there. Non-scale victories are just as they sound. NSV are celebrating things that help you reach your health goals that have nothing to do with your actual weight. The reason these are so much better to focus on than the number on the scale is that you'll be more conscious of how your actually feeling through the process and the progress you are actually making. Sure, the scale is a pretty concrete measurement of any changes with your weight. However, your weight can fluctuate so much day to day learning to pay attention to your body is going to help you more in the long run. Not only that, but noticing small changes your body is making, or celebrating small wins, can help you stay on track through your journey.
In my online bootcamps, we focus a lot on non-scale victories. In fact, each week I ask my bootcamp members to do a self check and evaluate how they are feeling. Then I ask them to share any non-scale victories they have.
Here's a few from my most recent bootcamp,
"I wore a two-piece bathing suit that I bought last summer (without shorts or any kind of cover up) for the first time yesterday!" Carisa
"I am noticing me getting smaller, but also a friend at the gym this morning said, “you are looking good!” Molly
"My cravings for sweets is so much better since starting carb cycling!" Melissa
"My clothes are fitting better!!! Which is huge... I feel much more comfortable in my own skin." LeeAnn
"I have noticed some clothes feeling looser around my mid section. I am happier with how my stomach looks." Tracey L.
"I’ve had quite a few people over the last week tell me, I’m looking fitter!" Amber
NSV are something we should all be focusing on. They can help us feel better mentally and in turn will help us reach our goals! Remember to celebrate non-scale victories no matter where you're at in your health journey!!!
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