Staying Active in the Winter
Dec 28, 2019
Baby it's cold outside! So cold that all I want to do is snuggle up under the blankets and sip hot tea all day. You with me? No but really with the colder weather often comes a decrease in motivation. It's harder to want to get outside of the house to get in exercise. However, this time especially it's important to remain consistent with your workouts. For one it tends to be when we indulge a bit more (hello holiday treats). It's also good for our mental health to keep up with our physical activity.
So in order to keep that body moving, there's a few tips!
~ Bring your workouts inside - if you're used to running or exercising outdoors, take it indoors! Find a gym that has a treadmill or maybe you purchase one for yourself for Christmas! Join a month to month fitness studio or purchase a class pack (most offer this option) where you can frequent a gym for a given amount of sessions.
~ Find a buddy - motivation can be lower this time of year. To help keep you motivated to get in your workouts, find a friend to join you! If not in person, try a virtual buddy! Many friends are now doing virtual workouts via Facetime or Zoom where they literally complete a workout together. It can be a fun way to get moving with a friend when you're unable to do so in person.
~ Layer up - there is some awesome cold weather workout gear out these days. Long sleeves, running jackets, beanies, ear warmers, gloves etc. you name, it they make it! Make sure to wear multiple layers as your body will heat up quickly and you may want to remove layers as you get warm. You might even find the fresh air, refreshing!
~ Enlist help - if you're finding it extra hard to get motivated, try hiring a coach or personal trainer to keep you going! Maybe someone like me :-) From virtual to in person a coach can help keep you on track and give you fun workouts to do from the comfort of your warm home :-) If you're intersted, feel free to reach out at [email protected].
Most important, don't let the cold weather be your excuse! Set goals, stick to them and your body will thank you!
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