Inflammation and Top Anti-Inflammatory Foods

fitness tips Jul 09, 2019

You've probably heard of inflammation but what exactly is it? Is it good or bad for our bodies? Can it be dangerous and how do we get rid of it?


Inflammation is the bodies natural biological defense agains infection and tissue damage. Under normal circumstances, it quickly ends. Think of when you get a cut on your finger. The area around the cut might get red, you might feel pain and you might have some swelling. This is normal and healthy acute inflammation. However, when your body thinks there is a constant problem, it lives in chronic state of inflammation. This is when it becomes a problem. Chronic inflammation is now being linked to some serious diseases. Diabetes, heart disease, cancer and autoimmune conditions such as arthritis and lupus just to name a few.


Luckily inflammation can be controlled through our diet and exercise. In fact the two biggest contributors to inflammation reduction in the body are consistency with a healthy diet and exercise.


So what foods should you include to help reduce inflammation in the body and how do we reduce inflammation.


Anti-inflammatory foods

- Berries - high in antioxidants and fiber

- Green tea - natural source of over 50 anti-inflammatory compounds. Decaf green tea is just as good, if not better, as caffeinated!

- Coffee - Cholorgenic acids and antioxidants. Again, decaf is great!

- Omega-3's - exert powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Fish such as black cod, salmon, mackerel, anchovies, and sardines are highest in Omega-3's.

- Red wine - Resveratol and polyphenols which are anti-inflammatory in moderation.

- Superfoods - fermented foods, avocados, sprouted grains, blueberries and coconut are among the top superfoods to include in an anti-inflammatory diet.


Reducing Inflammation

Being overweight, belly fat, and weight gain are the biggest contributors to inflammation. So one of the top focus's when trying to reduce inflammation is to reduce belly fat, lose weight and/or control weight. The best way to do this isn't to try the latest diet trend. It's simply to get back to basic principles of being in a calorie deficit and being compliant with your food choices. If you're focusing on eating healthy, eliminating processed foods and getting in a some daily movement, you'll be more likely to lose weight, maintain weight, and reduce inflammation.


Steps to reducing inflammation

1. Increase your movement

2. Reduce your calorie intake

3. Cut out processed foods and simple sugars

4. Focus on eating whole foods and anti-inflammatory foods


If you feel your suffering from chronic inflammation, now is a great time to start focusing on reducing the inflammation in your body in order to live healthy and happily for many years to come!


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