How To Stop the Weekend From Ruining Your Consistency
Oct 02, 2020
Do you ever get a little feeling of dread when Friday rolls around?
You've been smashing your goals during the week then as the weekend approaches you begin to get nervous about how you're going to keep up that momentum. While it's normal to let your standards slip a little on weekends, it's also a common reason why women don't see the progress they are hoping to see. So keeping the weekends in check is key, while still making sure to make them enjoyable is key!!
Here's a few tips on how to do that,
Get others on board
Getting your close friends and family on board with your exercise routine and diet plan can be really helpful if you’re finding it hard to stay on track at the weekend. Instead of going out for dinner, why not offer to cook a health meal at home? Or get everyone to help meal prep for the week? Saturday is a great day to rope a friend into a workout, you could even save money by splitting the cost of a personal trainer between two. Alternatively, go for a long walk with someone you’ve been meaning to catch up with. You’ll be surprised how many of your friends and family will be attracted to your positive mindset, especially once they see you don’t give up easily.
Don’t restrict too much
Cutting out important food groups like fat and carbohydrates during the week will inevitably lead to cravings, which may be harder to ignore at the weekends. Eating a balanced amount of protein, carbohydrates and fat along with a wide variety of vitamins and micronutrients from fruit and vegetables will leave you feeling satisfied and full of energy, leaving most cravings at the door. Try not to make any foods completely banned from your meal plan as you’ll only end up wanting them more. Instead, schedule one treat at the weekend such as a meal out, your favorite dessert or a few small glasses of wine.
Be careful with alcohol
With that said, please be wary of over consuming alcohol at the weekend: We all like an alcoholic beverage from time to time, but it’s time to face up to the fact that it could be one of the things hindering your weight-loss or fitness progress. One glass of wine probably won’t make a difference, but add in a few more and you’ve got lowered inhibitions, increased appetite and more calories to burn off. This doesn’t even take into consideration how crap you feel the day after, how little activity you’ll want to do and how much junk food you’ll potentially consume to cure your hangover. Can you lose weight and get fit whilst getting drunk every weekend? Yes, it’s possible; but it’s difficult and it’s not the healthiest path to follow.
Plan your meals
Treat your Saturday and Sunday just like during the week and plan your meals with precision. Schedule in a restaurant visit or a special meal as discussed above, and write out your other meals and snacks as usual. This will ensure you have all the groceries you need on hand and you can prepare food in advance if you’re going to be out and about.
If you’re experiencing stress during the week from your boss, husband and running about after the kids, be sure to set aside some time at the weekend for yourself. Too much stress can negatively affect your cortisol levels, which can be a contributing factor to weight gain. Make sure your weekend is a time to recharge, take a bath, read your favorite book and above all truly spend time resting and getting a good quality sleep to set you up for the week ahead.
Don't let your weekends ruin all your hard work during the week or cause you any anxiety about doing so. Relax, enjoy your life by finding balance with your nutrition and have a great weekend!
* If you need help keeping you on track during the weekends, feel free to reach out! Accountability is one HUGE aspect of my 1:1 coaching!
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