Healthy on the Go Breakfasts
Aug 08, 2019
Gosh this summer has flown by! It feels like just last week school was ending and we were kicking off summer. Now next week we're already back in school!
You know what comes with heading back to school? The crazy morning rush!!! You know, trying to get the kids ready, backpacks loaded, lunches made, and breakfast in bellies. That last one is a STRUGGLE for us! Which is why I like to keep some healthy on the go breakfast options in my back pocket.
Here's a few of our favorites!
Banana Chocolate Chip Protein Muffins - These are great to keep in the freezer to defrost and serve with some yogurt and fruit. Or to grab on the way out the door for an on the go meal. Also awesome to send frozen for snacks as they defrost by the time they eat it :-)

Bacon and Egg Cups - This version of bacon and eggs is really good and super easy to prep ahead! Packed with protein and easy to re-heat and eat with some fruit, a slice of toast or in maybe even cold in the car on the way to school :-)

Oatmeal Cookie Protein Smoothie - I mean, who doesn't love cookie for breakfast??? This is one that's always a hit in our house. I like to add spinach and half the protein when I make it for my kiddos. Giving them anything with "cookie" in the title disappears in minutes!

Apple Pie Slow Cooked Oats - on the topic of dessert for breakfast, how about pie? This one may taste like pie but it's SO much healthier and SO easy to make! Throw it in the slow cooker the night before then wake up to your house smelling like pie and breakfast ready to go!

Oatmeal Cookie Protein Bites - Are your kids ever up early begging for food but breakfast isn't ready yet? Mine are! So I keep these in the fridge for those times, plus any other time they need a quick, protein packed snack. Also great for on-the-go breakfasts when you run out of time for a sit down meal.

Cinnamon Roll Overnight Oats - Overnight oats are always an awesome choice for quick, easy breakfasts and this recipe is one of our favorites!

Baked Breakfast Cookie - Again, cookies for breakfast!!! See a theme ;-) Everything from Gina is great and this one is a household favorite!

Peanut Butter, Strawberry, Banana Quesadilla - Easy to throw together to eat on the go or maybe paired with some eggs on the side.

Frozen Yogurt Parfaits - These are a great "treat" breakfast for when your kids want something fun and delicious! Easy to make and who doesn't love "frozen yogurt" for breakfast?

Frozen Yogurt Parfaits
2 cups flavored yogurt (we used kite hill strawberry greek yogurt)
1/2 cup chopped fruit of choice
1/2 cup granola of choice
Silicone muffin cups
Popsicle sticks
Scoop a spoonful of yogurt into muffin cups. Top wth a little fruit and granola. Spoon more yogurt on top then tap or gently stir to combine allow the yogurt to mix through. Place muffin tins on cookie sheet or plate and freeze until firm enough to stick a popsicle stick in. Place sticks through the center of the yogurt then freeze until set. Pop out of muffin cups and enjoy!
Hope these are helpful in making school mornings (or mornings in general) a bit smoother!!!!
Happy Back to School season!!!
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