Favorite Supplements for Optimal Health are all on Sale!

Nov 20, 2024

I LOVE me a good sale especially when it's on things I use everyday to help me feel and function at my best.  AND right now EquiLife is having a HUGE Holiday sale so I wanted to share some of my fav's with you in case you also want to stock up.

Of course it’s always a good idea to check with your doctor before beginning any new supplementation or exercise routine! 

  • Daily Nutritional Support Shake:  I have this everyday in my chia seed pudding or in a smoothie.  If I don't have it, I notice a huge difference in my energy levels so make sure to include it in some way everyday.   It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and has 15g of plant-based protein.  If I run out or don't feel like having it for some reason, I take this multi-vitamin to make sure I get my daily dose of vitamins and minerals.  Also on sale!  
  • Full Spectrum Magnesium:  Most people are deficient in magnesium which can lead to issues with sleep, muscle relaxation, bone formation, protein synthesis and antioxidant production.  This brand contains highly bioavailable forms for optimal absorption and this blend in particular is great for sleep, relaxation and calming of the brain.  
  • Omega-3 Fish Oil: This supplement is essential for heart and brain health.  This brand provides sustainably sourced, high-quality fish oil for enhanced absorption which supports cardiovascular and cognitive well-being.  I've tried so many different brands and really like that this one is so high quality and does NOT have any fishy after taste like many others will have.  
  • B-Complex:  Stress depletes B vitamins and deficiency can lead to low energy, low mood, fatigue, and hormone imbalances.  Most women in their mid-life are deficient in B vitamins so supplementing with a methylated B complex can help support balance and metabolism. 
  • Daily Probiotic:  You’ve probably heard that the gut is the second brain so supporting gut health is vital for everyone.  A good quality probiotic like this one with well-researched strains that survive digestion supports a balanced, thriving microbiome.  
  • Vitamin D3 + K: D levels naturally tend to decline with age and sun exposure isn’t always sufficient.  Unless you’re getting full sunlight on your naked body daily, you probably need to supplement with Vitamin D.   To be sure you can have your Vitamin D levels checked but this would be the Vitamin D I would recommend for bone health and well-being.  
  • Melatonin: I used to shy away from melatonin because I heard that if I took it, my body would stop producing it naturally.  WRONG!  In fact your bodies natural melatonin production declines as we age so it's actually good to supplement with a little melatonin if you have trouble sleeping.  I take this when I notice disruptions with my sleep or when I'm traveling and it works amazing!  I sleep so good and then wake up feeling rested, not groggy like other melatonin products have made me in the past.  It's truly a game changer!  I also have a lot of clients who have had sleep issues take this sleep help protocol and notice huge changes to their sleep.  
  • Universal Binder: If you've never heard of a binder, it's a supplement that usually contains activated charcoal, bentonite clay, humic and fulvic acid that bind to harmful toxins helping to remove them safely from  your body.  This one in particular uses TUDCA & taurine help open up liver detox pathways for easy and safe elimination of toxins.  I like taking this binder when I'm going to drink alcohol or eat foods that I don't normally eat or that could contain potential toxins (sushi=parasites).  I also take it before a sauna or when I know I'm going to sweat a lot like in a hot yoga class.  It's completely safe to take and you can learn more about binders on this podcast.  Then stock up to use it during the holidays when you'll most likely have some excess toxins going into your body ;-) 
  • Dr. Cabral Detox: I've shared my love for this functional medicine detox in the past and whenever it's on sale always stock up!  This is something I do multiple times a year to help reduce excess toxins, improve energy, increase sleep, reduce inflammation and just feel better!  I'll be running a group detox in January so if you think you might be interested in joining, I suggest grabbing this detox kit now while it's on sale!  
  • Rain Barrel Effect:  This book literally changed my life.  When I read it a few years ago, it started me on a health journey and business path that has completely altered my life.  It opened my eyes to the massive amount of toxin's we are exposed to daily and led me to obtaining my Integrative Health Practitioner Certification so that I can help others to reduce their toxic load and feel better!  I highly recommend this book! 

Of course it's important to chat with your doctor before starting any new supplementation and it’s also VERY important to make sure you’re using high quality, well researched supplements. Further supplementation might be recommended based on lab testing or individual symptoms.  If you have any questions please feel free to hit reply and ask away!  


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